The Rhein - Valley Hospital in Nakuru-Kasambara opened in 2004 and is directed by Ruth Schäfer of Switzerland. The hospital relies solely on donations for buying food and medicine for the poor and suffering locals. Moreover, all funds are used directly for patient care. Every year thousands of people visit the hospital for medical help and nowadays also for food and shelter. Blog Editor: Kedar Misani.

You can send your donations to the Alpha Rheintal Bank, CH - 9442 Berneck, Switzerland; Clearing 6920, BIC RBABCH22926;
IBAN: CH75 06920016 1856 71206, Verein Rhein-Valley Hospital, CH - 9450 Altstätten, Switzerland.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Street life in Nakuru

sh. Today we were in Nakuru to buy the food for the 3,500 refugees that are expected to come to the Rhein-Valley Hospital on Saturday. This will be an important day. Swiss musician Nicolas Senn and a Swiss TV crew will be here. Many school children will came from Thugunui and Kasambara and there will be a big concert for them. While staying in Nakuru we could visit a sewing factory and were quite shocked about the working conditions there. On the streets we were protected by our boy body guards who also look after our car. Life in the streets is also not easy to digest for us Europeans. It is impossible to mention all details here. The street boys are always on good terms with Mama Matata and it is amazing how she can accept the situation. For me (Stephan) it is a bit more difficult because of my week immune system. I have to keep some distance.

Bicycle reparations at the street corner - but still with joy!

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