The Rhein - Valley Hospital in Nakuru-Kasambara opened in 2004 and is directed by Ruth Schäfer of Switzerland. The hospital relies solely on donations for buying food and medicine for the poor and suffering locals. Moreover, all funds are used directly for patient care. Every year thousands of people visit the hospital for medical help and nowadays also for food and shelter. Blog Editor: Kedar Misani.

You can send your donations to the Alpha Rheintal Bank, CH - 9442 Berneck, Switzerland; Clearing 6920, BIC RBABCH22926;
IBAN: CH75 06920016 1856 71206, Verein Rhein-Valley Hospital, CH - 9450 Altstätten, Switzerland.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lions Club's eye test not very effective

rs. Today people from the Lions Club offered a free eye test and two of our nurses helped them. What first was looking like a selfless service by members of the Lions Club, finally became a more business oriented action. They didn't made a proper eye test but only wanted to sell glasses. And if a treatment was suggested, our camp people have no many to get it later on. At 4 pm I told them to hurry up because dark clouds announced another thunderstorm. They ignored my advice and when I came home I heard that all their 8 cars were stuck in the mud and that they had much difficulties to get back on the road...

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