The Rhein - Valley Hospital in Nakuru-Kasambara opened in 2004 and is directed by Ruth Schäfer of Switzerland. The hospital relies solely on donations for buying food and medicine for the poor and suffering locals. Moreover, all funds are used directly for patient care. Every year thousands of people visit the hospital for medical help and nowadays also for food and shelter. Blog Editor: Kedar Misani.

You can send your donations to the Alpha Rheintal Bank, CH - 9442 Berneck, Switzerland; Clearing 6920, BIC RBABCH22926;
IBAN: CH75 06920016 1856 71206, Verein Rhein-Valley Hospital, CH - 9450 Altstätten, Switzerland.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sad stories remain in the focus

This morning Fundi, our Hospital manager packed his furniture to be moved to a small village at the border of Uganda, were he spent his youth. He and his family ran for their life when the turbulences started in Nakuru. I spontaneously gave them shelter. After a while his wife and children returned back to their parent's home. They belong to the Kalenjin tribe. As the wife couldn't take all the belongings with her, her husband is now bringing the rest. It is an 8 hour journey. Hope all goes well and he will be back soon; we need his help.

After returning home the phone rang and it was John, our clinic doctor. With agitation he reported that our youngest nurse Aska had been attacked yesterday evening and had to be delivered to the town hospital where they treated her for 6 hours, before she could go home. They also stole her salary that she picked up from the bank. She saved money for three months to help her mother whose house had been burnt. And she wanted to build a little hut around the hospital to be together with her animals. For the time being she had to take shelter in the police station. It is disheartening to hear all these stories. It seems that sometimes human beings are more cruel than animals. - Mama Matata

The rainy season started also in Nakuru ...

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